Thank you for stopping by! :D
I'm a photographer & a graphic designer based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, same place where i was born in 2003. Twenty years later (in 2023), I've started to explore a lot of digital art forms and techniques like programming, writing screenplays and doing 3D art.
I started doing designs with Photoshop in 2015, just for fun (pretty awful content), but one year later I took it more seriously. My first actual work was collaborating with the music band "M4RTL_" and then I did some freelancer work until 2017, where I got a job in the printing house "Sismo", mainly working with small documents like cards, notes, invoices, flyers, etc. In that place, I've learned Adobe Illustrator so I could work with vectors.
In 2018, I started digging into Photography because I wanted to have complete creative control over my own designs and crazy ideas.
Then in 2019, I developed a small brand called "m53" with a friend who hired me as a graphic designer & creative digital artist for said studio, where I mainly produced design assets, templates, stuff for selling in stock markets like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock, etc. Of course I've also made a lot of design works but under the 'm53' brand: Social media stuff, UIs for independent videogame mods, Photoshop artworks, more designs for M4RTL_, digital covers, etc.
A few months later, in this small studio, I've learned Figma (I love that app), I got into basic HTML & CSS with Visual Studio Code and another editor called 'Spck', and also I got my first steps with 3D design, creating textures with Photoshop and then 'testing' with Blender.
As you can see, I'm experienced in the digital area with an approach to printing work: Photography, digital covers, social media, advertisements, merchandising, flyers, etc. Personally, I consider myself a very organized person, responsible and capable of solving any problem on a creative way and on time.
If you actually read all of this, you're amazing.
& if you're interested in messaging me, don't be shy and send me an email with the form below.
Thanks again!
- UT
Thank you! :D